Six Messages

Saturday, 29 March 2014


Shortly after my last post to this blog, we lost our son Adam to suicide at the age of 28. I have spent a good deal of time in the last few months with the interminable questions that have no answers, as have all of Adam's family and many of his friends. Sadly, this is one of the tragedies of suicide...there are no answers, only questions. In the end I have come to realize that the answers don't matter...and have decided to spend less time seeking answers and more time finding ways to make Adam's short time with us matter. A friend of Adam's contacted me a few months after his death, and asked if she could write of him in her blog. Turns out she too has battled her demons, and Adam's life had an impact on her that she wanted to share. Adam's memory is honoured by her post, and you can read it here (Adam's story is part way down the page).
In order to honour Adam's memory, and perhaps help anyone who is, or know someone who is struggling with depression, I intend to share in the coming month what I have come to realize are 6 key messages that every child, and indeed every adult needs to hear every day. I hope that writing about these messages will help me to focus on ensuring that I am consistently communicating these messages to those who cross my path. You see, that's the thing about depression, you cannot easily see it or identify it in fact, those with depression often describe the amazing lengths they go to in order to hide their depression from us. In truth, all of us are walking wounded, each of us carrying our history of hurts with us along our way. I believe the 6 key messages need to be heard by all of us...stay tuned


LauraBelle said...

I live with depression. I don't like admitting it or talking about it. I look forward to reading what you have to share. Again, my condolences. ❤️

Dean Jarvey said...

I offer again my sympathies Don, and look forward to your six key messages.

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