Six Messages

Friday, 1 April 2011

Life is a journey

Without a doubt, life is indeed a journey, sometimes feeling like a drive in the country on a pleasant Sunday afternoon, and sometimes feeling like a roller coaster that is never going to stop. Filled with it's ups and downs, life can often catch us off guard, and cause us to lose our center. Once this happens, we quickly find ourselves adrift on a sea of doubt and confusion. How does one stay centered, especially in such turbulent times? No doubt each of us has our own tips and tricks. Feel free to comment on how you manage to keep yourself centered when the going gets rough. As for me, I try to remember that life is choice, and blessings are abundant, we have but to look for them. Granted, it seems as though some days we have to look harder than others, but it has been my experience that if one seeks long and hard enough, the blessings do indeed reveal themselves.

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