Six Messages

Monday, 23 February 2015

It's only words...

Words. We rely on them for communication, even though they are scarcely equipped to do the job. How often have you heard the phrase "words can't express...". And yet they are all we have. For better or worse, it is words that we use to convey our thoughts, emotions, beliefs and attitudes to others.
As ill-equipped as they are, words have the capacity to heal or to wound, to express love or to express hate, to build up or to tear down. Often even the same word can achieve either of these polar outcomes, depending on when, where, and how it is said.
The power of words is far too often overlooked in our society. Throwaway comments intended to hurt and perpetuate misunderstanding are disguised as jokes, and sadly are often heard as such. In this way, the person who utters the words achieves the goal of perpetuating misunderstanding and hatred.
No where does this seem to be more prevalent today than in our polarized culture, where people seem willing to believe anything negative about something, or someone they don't like....even when they can't precisely articulate what it is they don't like. They rely on such outstanding information sources as "Someone said...", "I heard once...", or "I read that...". Sadly, the source of the information is rarely checked, a critical error in today's world where research is a dying art, Facebook serves as a standard for what is true, and even our media is polarized to the extent that what is passed off as news is really more about entertainment than information.
It's only words. But words have the capacity to make someone's world better or worse, and we have an obligation to consider that before we speak. A moment's thought before we speak acknowledges an understanding of the power of words...and ensures that we use them in the right way for the right reasons. Do your words heal, express love, and build up? I hope so. The alternative is unacceptable.