If you have had a look at previous blog posts, you know that resiliency is a topic of interest for me. Since the loss of my son, I have spent countless hours ruminating about why it is that the same event can make one person stronger at the same time that it weakens the resolve of another. I found this theme playing out in my head over and over as I basked in the beauty of Arches National Park. In an amazing testament to the wonder and beauty of nature, I saw rock that had stood firm against the elements while at the same time giving way to the forces of wind and water where necessary. I saw trees and scrub brush growing in some of the most inhospitable places. I saw the cycle of life played out over and over again in the canyon walls and vegetation that surrounded me. All the while, I was awed.
It occurred to me that resiliency is a little like that. It is not about being strong all the time, or giving in all the time, but more about understanding that there is a time and a place to be strong, and a time and a place to give way. The rocks withstand the elements by simultaneously being strong and giving way. The bushes and trees adapt to the environment in ways that allow them to not just survive but thrive while maintaining their identity. I found myself thinking that we could learn a lesson from the rocks and vegetation in Arches National Park; we need to learn how to give way when we need to give way, and stand firm when we need to stand firm. In the end, I realized that resiliency is less about strength and more about wisdom....and heard my parents' voices in my head, admonishing me to pick my battles carefully. Funny thing about parents....the older I get the wiser mine become.